stop the destruction of the world

33rd STOP

Keynote Speakers

Pursuing the Future Our Lady Has Promised Us

Suzanne Pearson

Suzanne Pearson is an American Catholic laywoman whose professional career spanned the U.S. political arena and the world of music, and whose expertise on Blessed Karl of Austria, Out Lady of Fatima, Catholic prophecy, and other faith-related issues has made her a sought-after speaker both in the United States and abroad. She earned her A.B. degree from San Diego State College (now University) with honors in music, with a second major in history and political science. For many decades she worked for the U.S. Senate in the Office of Legislative Counsel (the non-partisan “law firm” of the Senate), giving her an insider’s view on the workings of government, while also pursuing a second career in music as a soprano soloist, church musician, and member of Washington’s prestigious Choral Arts Society. An exceptionally strong early grounding in the Catholic faith gave her a lifelong interest in Church teachings, Marian apparitions, and the lives of the saints. Other major influences in her life were the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, in whose 1968 presidential campaign she served, and the late Father Malachi Martin, who became her spiritual director. For the past two decades, her interest has focused on Blessed Karl of the House of Austria, whose Cause for canonization she promotes in the United States and Canada as Delegate of the Vienna-based Emperor Karl League of Prayer. Years of intensive research have made her one of the world’s foremost experts on his life and times. This, along with her perceptive insights on current issues facing the Church and society, have created growing demand for her new role as a writer and speaker.

Fatima: The 'Summa' of Our Lady's Message to Mankind

David Rodríguez, M.Th.
Content Director for The Fatima Center

David Rodríguez is married and has seven children. He is a native Texan (USA) although both his parents are Mexican. David speaks English, Spanish and German, having lived in Bavaria for four years. After graduate school in electrical engineering, including minor concentrations in history and philosophy, he spent several years in a diocesan seminary and as a novice at a Cistercian monastery. He earned a Masters in Theology from the University of Dallas and has spent over twenty years working in parishes, directing religious formation, hosting call-in shows on Catholic Radio, leading Catholic pilgrimage tours, and supporting Catholic apostolates aimed at recovering and restoring the traditions of our Catholic Faith. Since 2019, David has served as the Content Director for The Fatima Center, a Canadian apostolate founded in 1978 by Father Nicholas Gruner (+2015). The Fatima Center is a grass-roots association of Catholic priests and laity, whose mission is to ensure that the entire Message of Our Lady of Fatima is fully known, accurately understood, deeply appreciated, and obeyed by all.

Apariciones de Nuestra Señora: Orígenes, Conexiones y Propósitos

Apparitions of Our Lady: Origins, Connections and Purposes (Lecture in Spanish)

Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara

Graduated in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Nuevo Leon – Mexico (1961). Master in Nuclear Engineering from PRNC at the University of Puerto Rico – USA (1965); PhD in Statistics from the University of California – Berkeley USA (1970). He collaborated as a professor at CIENES of the OAS (1970-1978), in the training of Statistics Professors for Latin America and, soon after, he was invited as a professor at the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP. He completed a post-doctorate at the University of Oxford – UK (1985); subsequently, he became Professor at the Pontifical University of São Paulo – PUCSP, where he was awarded the diploma of Notable Knowledge in Future Studies. He is a representative in Brazil of the Millennium Project, an international network of researchers that prospectively analyzes the future in relation to 15 major global challenges, and annually publishes its newsletter “State of The Future”, a publication that, in the words of the Secretary General of the United Nations , Ban Ki-moon: “…provides invaluable insights into the future of the United Nations, its Member States and Civil Society.” Within the Millennium Project he became co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of the Ibero American Foresight Network – RIBER. Founder and Director of the Center for Future Studies – NEF at PUCSP, which organized monthly ENCONTROS WITH THE FUTURE Seminars, with national and international speakers. He was a professor at the Postgraduate Course in Administration at PUCSP until the program ended in 2022. Areas of Current Interest: Quantitative Methods, Future Studies, Innovation and Sustainable Development, Knowledge Management, Values and Conscience. He published, in co-authorship, the book “From the Society of Knowledge to the Society of Consciousness”, by Editora Saraiva, and others, the most recent being “Education for the Era of Sustainability”. He is responsible for Brazil, annually since 2009, organizing the International Conferences on Innovation and Management – ICIM, in collaboration with teams from Universities in China, Japan, the Netherlands, Finland and Malaysia, among other countries; he is also responsible editor for the Journal on Innovation and Sustainability-RISUS. He is the founder and responsible for the Ignacy Sachs Chair for Sustainable Development at PUCSP, which publishes and disseminates all ongoing activities at a national and international level. At the moment, taking advantage of his connections with MONDRAGON in Spain, he is participating in organizing a Specialization Course in Cooperatives and Cooperativism.

La Importancia de Garabandal dentro de las Apariciones Marianas

The Importance of Garabandal within the Marian Apparitions (Lecture in Spanish)

José Maria Sánchez Carrión

José Maria Sánchez Carrión (Cartagena, Spain, 1 August 1952) also known as «Txepetx» (a word from the Basque language to give its name to the bird Troglodytestroglodytes), is a Spanish linguist. , PhD in Basque Linguistics and Philology from the University of the Basque Country, as well as professor of the Bachelor of Spanish Language and Literature.

His academic and professional trajectory has been closely linked, from the beginning, to both the Basque (euskera) and Navarre and the Basque Country. He has also taught in Scotland, England, the Canaries, the Balearics and Andalusia. His research areas concern bilingualism, sociolinguistics and the life of languages. He holds the patent on Hololinguistics, which he considers a “self-consistent theory of linguistic experience”.

He has written more than a dozen books of great importance in his field and related areas. Regarding one of his latest works, written in 2019 and already translated into French, “El Lenguaje de la Luz: El Code Jesús El Cristo”, says the author: “this is my last book, the fruit of a lifetime of research and encounters, and which culminates in a trilogy on the Language of Light. The Gospels are written in a hidden code. To decipher this code it is necessary to see the Gospel in its own light.”

“El Lenguaje de la Luz: El Code Jesús El Cristo” raises unprecedented questions and leads us to unprecedented answers.

Mary and Transformation in Christ : From Cana through the Crusades to the Syllabus of Pius IX and Beyond

Dr. John C. Rao

Dr. John C. Rao obtained his doctorate in Modern European History from Oxford University in 1977. His dissertation concerned nineteenth century Catholic reactions to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. He worked in 1978-1979 as Eastern Director of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania and was Associate Professor of European History at St. John’s University in New York City from 1979 until 2021. Dr. Rao is also director of the Roman Forum, a Catholic cultural organization ( founded by the late Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand in 1968, which works in both New York City and Italy. He writes for numerous French, German, Spanish, and Italian journals. Many of his writings dealing with the relationship between Church and society throughout history can be found on a website entitled For the Whole Christ (–a name taken from the writings of St. Augustine to describe the character of the Mystical Body and its consequences for human life as a whole. Perhaps the most important of his works are Removing the Blindfold (Remnant Press, 1999; second, revised edition, The Angelus Press, 2014)), which discusses Catholic rediscovery of their own heritage in the post-French revolutionary era, and Americanism and the Collapse of the Church in the United States (Roman Forum Press, 1995).  Black Legends and the Light of the World (Remnant Press) was published in 2012. Dr. Rao is also editor of Luther and His Progeny: 500 Years of Protestantism and Its Consequences for Church, State, and Society (Angelico Press, 2017). A Centenary Meditation on a Quest for “Purification” Gone Mad was published by Arouca Press in 2018. Arouca Press is in the process of publishing seven volumes of his collected works. He is married and lives in Manhattan with his wife. He has three grown children.


The Veneration OF THE VIRGIN MARY IN THE EAST (Lecture in Portuguese)

Aurelio Lima Correia

AURÉLIO LIMA CORREIA, Bachelor’s degree (2012) and Master’s degree in Classical Literature (2014) from the PONTIFICIUM INSTITUTUM ALTIORIS LATINITATIS (Facoltà di Lettere Cristiane e Classiche/Pontificia Università Salesiana di Roma) is a teacher specialized in Ancient Greek and Latin Christian Literature, Didactics of Classical Languages and Latin Composition, and a postgraduate degree in Psychopedagogy (2023/UNESA), working as a linguistic consultant for English, Italian and French. He also has degrees in History (2023 / UNESA), Theology (2003 / Unisal-Pio XI), Philosophy (1999 / Instituto de Filosofia São Bento) and a degree in Portuguese Literature (2024 / UNESA). Member of the Brazilian Association of Latin Teachers (ABPL) and guest professor of Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Theology at the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical Colleges since 2018. Former professor of Latin and Greek at the Colleges of Philosophy and Theology of the Monastery of São Bento in São Paulo, from 2014 to 2018; substitute teacher of Latin at the Novitiate of the Monastery of São Bento in São Paulo, from 1997 to 2008, and current teacher  of Latin and French at the Novitiate of the Monastery of São Bento of Garanhuns. Member of the body of translators of the PATRISTICA collection, from Paulus publishers.

Fátima: Profecía Pendiente

Fátima: Pending Prophecy (Lecture in Spanish)

Luis Eduardo López Padilla

Lawyer graduated from the Free Faculty of Law of Mexico. He is married and father of four children. He has studies in Philosophy and Theology, with specialization in Mariology and Catholic Eschatology. He visited several sites of Marian apparitions, including: La Salette, Rue du Bac and Lourdes, in France; Medjugorje, in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Escorial, Umbe and Garabandal, in Spain; Sabana Grande, in Puerto Rico; San Nicolás de los Arroyos, in Argentina; Tre Fontane, Montechiari and San Damiano, in Italy; and Fátima, in Portugal. As a lecturer, he has given more than 7,000 lectures, both in Mexico and abroad, and is also the author of numerous widely published books.

O Quinto Dogma de Nossa Senhora

The Holy Mother’s Fifth Dogma (Lecture in Portuguese)

Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco

Founder and director of the Keppe and Pacheco Trilogical Colleges (On-site, 2017) and Our Lady of All Nations College (Distance Learning, 2021).

Assistant to psychoanalyst Norberto R. Keppe, creator of Integral Psychoanalysis. Since 1971, Vice President of the Society of Integral Psychoanalysis, founded by Norberto Keppe, later called SITA- International Society of Analytical Trilogy.

Author of more than 40 books and scientific publications, several of which have been translated into 9 languages. For 50 years she has been attending clients in individual analysis, in psychotherapy groups, and training analysts in Brazil, the United States and Europe.

Researcher and Coordinator since 1980 of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy. Founder and President of the Keppe & Pacheco Institute of Science and Technology, home of the internationally awarded Keppe Motor Technology.

Working with Norberto Keppe for over 40 years, they have published and distributed millions of cultural scientific periodicals free of charge as well as producing therapeutic TV and radio programs broadcast in numerous cities throughout Brazil, Europe, Latin America and the USA. Dr Pacheco publishes daily therapeutic content on her social networks to thousands of followers.

In 1992 she founded the STOP the Destruction of the World Association in Paris. Among her most widely read books are: Healing through Consciousness – Theomania and Stress; Women on the Couch; and the Secret History of Brazil.

In 2019 she received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, due to her extensive achievements in benefit of Humanity.

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