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The STOP Campaign scientific bibliography


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Norberto Keppe



The Universe of the Spirits

Norberto R. Keppe
ISBN 978-85-7072-063-4
156 pages

“My intention is to lay the cards on the table with respect to the human being, who is on the brink of destroying the planet without understanding why. I am talking about the enormous influence we receive from the spiritual universe, both good and pernicious.”

With those potent words, Brazilian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, leads us into a world few have wanted to know.

Keppe’s purpose, however, is not to shock or strike fear – although his book contains much that is provocative. Rather he seeks to make us aware of the vast influence the shadowy world of the spirits has on us and our social structures. And awareness, Keppe emphasizes, is our greatest – in fact, our only – weapon in the spiritual conflict humankind has been waging (mostly unknowingly) for millennia.

Richly illustrated with examples from more than 50 years of clinical practice, this book takes us deep into a world most of us ignore, and ignore at our peril – the Universe of the Spirits.

The Universe of the Spirits explores:
- How true human life is more transcendental than sensorial (or corporeal)
- The Holy Trinity and the influence of the good spirits in human life
- Psychological Inversion – the human being’s mortal pact with evil
- Spiritual pathology and its relationship to human psycho- and socio-pathology
- How Keppe provides the missing link between the spiritual and physical worlds
- How the science of psycho-socio-pathology can exorcise the planet and liberate the human being
- Spiritual influences in our day-to-day existence. [top of page]

The Origin of Illness: Psychological, Physical, Social
Norberto R. Keppe
145 pages

“I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Keppe about the factors that create disease and prevent true healing. If we adopt the therapeutic suggestions contained here, we, our families and our society will experience healthier and more joyful lives.” Bernie Siegel, M.D. and author of Love, Medicine and Miracles and Prescriptions for Livin.

In this provocative book, Keppe shows how the keystone of mental, physical and social illness is our unconscious resistance to goodness, truth and beauty, and as a result, a battle is waged both within us and against others. Richly illustrated with examples taken from more than 30 years of clinical research, Keppe uncovers the real reasons we undermine our health, stifle our talents and sabotage our success.

This book will help you: a) Learn the principles that have helped heal so many people around the world, b) Gain resourcefulness and resilience, c) Become a happier, healthier, more balanced person, d) Open the door to a brighter future for yourself and those you love. [top of page]

The Universal Man
Norberto R. Keppe
155 pages

Only by conscientizing our errors it is possible to correct them and avoid committing more errors. This is the way to form the Universal Man, i.e., the "integral" or "cosmic" man. The author tells us that man’s structure is universal, encompassing the truth in all sectors of life, love, which is ageless, timeless and placeless, and consciousness, which reaches all aspects of the being.
Therefore, the reader will confirm Keppe's findings while questioning the validity of the present scientific method. By doing this the reader will come to the conclusion that the human being needs to go back to his threefold structure - goodness, truth and pure act - the only way to take him back to personal and social normality. [top of page]

The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics

Norberto R. Keppe
ISBN: 85-7072-050-5
149 pages

Book translated into: Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.


In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature of reality and the universe in which we live. This conundrum was perceived by 1979 Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg. He asserted that unifying all the disparate theories would “require the emergence of radically new ideas.”
This book introduces those ideas. From exploring the truth about energy and matter, to discussing the true source of energy, to examining the enormous impact of psychology on genetics, Keppe clarifies science and disinverts its incorrect metaphysical orientation. This book transcends the study of Physics alone and offers far reaching consequences for biology and psychology as well.
In the end, it will become clear that Keppe’s landmark ideas unify science as no one before him and offer us a potent vision of the science of the future. [top of page]

Trilogical Metaphysics - The Liberation of Being
Norberto R. Keppe
226 pages

In this pioneering and scientific study of Metaphysics, Keppe focuses on Aristotle and some Aristotelian-Thomist philosophers and manages to dis-invert this field of philosophy thus showing how the denial of the Being is at the base of all human and social disease. This book marks the incorporation of theological and philosophical knowledge into Science at last, offering humanity the knowledge necessary to free the Being from millennia of imprisonment. Keppe shows how “pure act” (i.e. good, beautiful and true action) is the path that will bring us to sanity. [top of page]

Work and Capital
Norberto R. Keppe
340 pages

The author shows that the capitalist system is stuck in a dead-end, especially after John M. Keynes endorsed the thesis of speculation - as if that was the only way to save capitalism. Obviously, the so called capital has to exist, but people has to benefit from it as well - which will happen with the process of disinversion, in which all powers will start to serve the nations’ interests – differently from what is happening at the moment, where peoples from every country work for the interests of a few who have jumped over positions of power. [top of page]

Liberation of the People - The Pathology of Power
Norberto R. Keppe
290 pages

In this, his 17th book, Keppe turns his attention to the study of psycho-socio-pathology, specifically the study of the pathology of power and the power-seeker. In his view, “All of our present-day problems can be reduced to one and that is,” he writes, “the way in which social and economic power is being used.” With extraordinary vision and clarity, this scientific, in-depth analysis explores the relationship between individual and social psychopathology, showing how the abuse of power in our social system has corrupted all facets of human endeavor, from work, to education and science, to the media and the arts. Essential reading for anyone interested in contributing to a just and balanced society, this book is a dynamic call to action in defense of the basic human values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. [top of page]

The Decay of the American People (and of the United States)
Norberto R. Keppe
ISBN 85-7072-006-8
240 pages

Although written over twenty years ago, this book still proves to be a comprehensive, fully documented scientific critique of the causes of the psychological, social and economic problems currently at play in today. Going further, the book provides a perceptive and illuminating analysis of the root of these problems. The author lays out a clear roadmap of what can be done to reverse the situation. [top of page]

Norberto R. Keppe
ISBN 85-7072-004-1
168 pages

Immensely readable with an emphasis on true spirituality, Glorification is a profound and encouraging analysis of man, reality and mental health. Keppe shows that the human being has contact with God only through awareness of his psycho-pathology. He affirms that humanity has a glorious destiny, but that we must first be willing to see how we reject it, condemning ourselves to illness and suffering. [top of page]

Norberto R. Keppe
ISBN 85-7072-003-3
273 pages

In this highly therapeutic book, with a special skill that is both highly advanced and curative, Keppe deals with neurosis and the anxiety that afflicts everyone today. Keppe’s dialectical approach to the age-old questions of reality and fantasy, denial and acceptance, good and evil, love and hate, has resulted in the first true unification of science, philosophy and theology – the answer to human suffering. [top of page]




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