July 16, 2024

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Putting Science Back into Spirit

I was fortunate enough to be recently invited to present at an international conference in Brazil on “The Energetics of Consciousness in Everyday Life”. It was about Science and its effort to decipher the causal or substratum factors that impact physical phenomena; the psycho-social pathology that impedes this effort; and a model breakthrough in free energy technology. My paper was entitled, “Putting Science Back into Spirit”. Read more

Dis-inverting an upside Down World

The International Society of Analytical Trilogy, hosted their 19th International Congress, The Energetics of Consciousness in Everyday Life, from July 6th through July 12th 2013. The conference was held at the beautiful Grand Hotel Trilogia in Cambuquira, MG, Brazil. Scientists, engineers, psychotherapists, educators, journalists, artists, students, and socially conscious activists from around the world participated in workshops. Read more here

News from Stockholm, Sweden.

A group of Swedish volunteers is now working to help the Ação no Bem (Good Action) project in Cambuquira, Brazil. The group called NÄTVERKET DEN GODA HANDLINGEN (The Good Action Network) met on October 20, and the 10 participants began production of apple chutney and apple juice from the autumn apple harvest. 


The products sold briskly at the Stockholm Christmas fair, with lineups forming for the popular products. All the money raised will be donated to the Good Action project in Cambuquira.  






It was a day that deserved celebration, music and culture. The STOP the Destruction of the World Association celebrated 20 years of international initiatives to bring consciousness of the root causes of human destruction – something no other environmental or human rights NGO is doing. Read more here

From RIO+20 – 10 ideas to save the planet





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Keppe Motor: Technology makes field energy savings possible


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Doing Good is Necessary for our Health


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Being an optimist 'may protect against heart problems'


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Zakaria: Incarceration nation




Something caught my eye the other day: Pat Robertson, the high priest of the religious right, had some startling things to say about drugs. Read more here

The Mozart Effect




Apart from entertainment, could there be more to Mozart’s music? Scientists around the world have claimed that his music makes people more intelligent and improves health. Even cows and plants like it. Read more here

Cell phones linked to behavioral problems




In 2010, Hanyia Naqvi was working on a Yale School of Medicine project to study the effects of cell phone radiation on brain growth. Read more here

The dream that failed




What happened at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan is a warning to mankind. Read more here

The disaster in Japan and the Danger of Nuclear Power Plants




What happened at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan is a warning to mankind. Read more here

Entire nation of Kiribati to be relocated over rising sea level threat




The low-lying Pacific nation of Kiribati is negotiating to buy land in Fiji so it can relocate islanders under threat from rising sea levels. Read more here

Monsanto's Roundup threatens stability of global food supply




(NaturalNews) Monsanto's reckless disregard for public health and the agricultural stability of the planet may be even more significant than previously thought. Read more here

The next Fukushima nuclear disaster is waiting to happen



Greenpeace activists in 19 countries took action today to remind their governments that the next Fukushima disaster will be their fault. Read More Here

The STOP Association will participate at the 2012 Social Forum at Pace University



On March 16 The STOP Association will be presenting at the 2012 WSF located at Pace University Read More Here

A Social and Economic Paradise is Possible



Work doesn't only bring prosperity, but health, intelligence and balance. True work -- work linked to goodness, truth and beauty... Read More Here

The Liberation of the People at Occupy New York



Watch the video.

Another world is possible: A world of the 99%




STOP participated in the Thematic Social Forum held January 23 – 27 in Porto Alegre, attending were representatives from over 38 countries on five continents... Read More Here

SOS: The End of Nuclear Power


The news from the nuclear power plants in Japan were not good.
Once again, we would like to bring to the attention of all responsible and ethical... Read More Here




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