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Cláudia Pacheco



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Healing Through Consciousness - Theomania: The Cause of Stress
Cláudia Pacheco
ISBN: 85-7072-002-5
192 pages


Based on clinical observations and extensive bibliographical research, the author, a psychoanalyst, shares her unique observations about the mind-body connection. Stress taxes the immune system and makes us sick. But the worst stress comes not from outside but from inside of us. Pacheco writes, “Ninety-nine percent of the time it is we ourselves who adopt an attitude of persecution ... fighting against life, against reality and principally against the consciousness of our errors. And the impending danger to which we are subject is the danger of having to cease being the godlike creatures we think we are. Because of this “theomania”, we create our own torture chamber. Man struggles against his nature and his health and kills himself, while firmly believing that his interests are directed toward reality.” In the first section of the book, Pacheco analyzes the psychosomatic roots of many common ailments including asthma, headaches, ulcers, cancer, glaucoma, and arthritis. She discusses illness in children, the family pact, psycho social disease and more. The second section of the book is a comprehensive explanation of the therapeutic methodology of Analytical Trilogy and the technique of interiorization, which the author uses to treat patients in her clinical practice.


The American Drug Multinacional
Cláudia Pacheco
184 pages


Our intention in releasing this dossier is to make the world fully aware of the dangers created by the manipulative individuals who are pulling the strings of the international drug trafficking industry. Our deep desire is to communicate to all humanity the true intentions of this power elite (principally from North America), which is clearly to alienate the people and destroy consciousness.


Women on the Couch: An Analysis of Female Psychopathology
Cláudia Pacheco
192 pages


This uniquely perceptive and clear-cut scientific evaluation of today’s woman analyzes the social and psychological reality of women and their struggle for true liberation. The book is based on the author’s first-hand experience with hundreds of clinical cases and reveals, in practical terms, how through greater awareness of their psycho-pathological attitudes, women can achieve genuine fulfillment and lasting happiness.


The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis
Cláudia Pacheco


This book is a comprehensive explanation of the trilogy which unifies science, philosophy and spirituality. Written in simple everyday language, the author explains the fundamental principles of Analytical Trilogy, a unique methodology created by Norberto Keppe. Analytical Trilogy studies the psychological roots of illness in individuals and society and treats them through a therapeutic model in individual and group psychoanalysis. Analytical Trilogy is also being successfully applied in language learning, in cooperative living arrangements and in employee owned enterprises.


The ABC of the New Physics
Cláudia Pacheco
ISBN 978-85-7072-065-8
272 pages


This book was born out of the necessity to explain in the simplest words
possible the content of Norberto Keppe’s book, The New Physics. In
this profound and extraordinary book, Dr. Keppe analyzes the mistakes
in science that have caused us to be so destructive and out of resonance
with nature, and to offer concrete solutions for fixing our inverted scientific
worldview. Compiled from extensive teleclass transcripts conducted
by Pacheco, assisted by researchers, Cesar Sóos, and Alexandre and
Roberto Frascari, this workbook uses everyday language to re-connect
you with something incredible: the universal wisdom that resides in
each one of us. Where the modern physical and sensorial scientific view
severely restricts our understanding of ourselves and reality and the
Universe, Norberto Keppe’s writing awakens us again to the magic of
true science and the beauty, truth and goodness that lie within..


Revealing the Power of Consciousness: The Handbook of Analytical Trilogy
Cláudia Pacheco


Concisely edited from scores of transcripts taken from Dr. Cláudia
Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco’s international teleclasses on the
science of Analytical Trilogy, Revealing the Power of Consciousness is a
profound investigation into what has gone so wrong in our beautiful
world and with the human beings who live here. The scope of the
discussions is immense, and they offer us a vast comprehension of
human psychology as well as pinpointing both the root causes of our
difficulties and their solution.



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