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Germany website brings Keppe Motor as a solution for free, clean and cheap energy

Recently, several contacts in Germany said that they became aware of Keppe Motor Technology a few years ago through the website, as a result of their search for alternative and sustainable energy on the internet. Here’s a translation of the webpage: Welcome! Free energy, clean and cheap. An energy which helps you live […]

Welcome! Free energy, clean and cheap. An energy which helps you live self-sufficiently

A motor that can change the world has been silenced! Unbeatable proof of the suppression of revolutionary technologies by business, politics, science and the media. The so-called conspiracy theories are real! The Keppe Motor is basically an electric motor, but very special and extremely efficient, because it doesn’t get its energy only from a wall […]

Keppe Motor Technological Innovation is awarded a patent in Brazil

October 28, 2020 It is with great pleasure that we communicate to everyone the recognition, in this month of October, of the technological innovation patent application made in Brazil by Keppe Motor. This achievement crowns a trajectory of conquests around the world. (Keppe Motor patents in the world). From now on, it is irrefutable that […]

13ª Festa do Divino

A Festa do Divino, idealizada pela Rainha Santa Isabel e o Rei D. Dinis, comemora o chamado Reinado do Espírito Santo, ou a Era da Consciência. Com a vinda do Espírito Santo, há uma mudança na consciência interior dos homens que buscam construir um mundo justo, de riquezas abundantes e compartilhadas, de respeito ao meio ambiente, de altruísmo e espiritualidade, enfim, um mundo onde o “ser” está […]

STOP FÓRUM Gestão de Conflitos em um Mundo em Crise

Integração e Aprofundamento dos Estudos Trilógicos entre Alunos e Professores. 28, 29 e 30 de Abril – Inscreva-se! A Escola de Pensamento de Norberto Keppe enfatiza a necessidade de conhecermos a psico e a sociopatologia para desinvertermos os nossos valores, nossos hábitos e conhecimentos. Assim, livres de condicionamentos inconscientes, poderemos diminuir as doenças orgânicas, psicológicas […]

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